To contact anyone - delete the characters "NS" that follow the @NS symbol. You will need to follow this procedure if you enter the address manually in your email program or if you simply click on the highlighted link which transfers the address to your email program.
I was assigned to the 355th Supply Sq at Takli from Nov 68 to Nov 69.
I was NCOIC of the Materiel Facilities Branch and also the Storage and
Issue Section.
Had many adventure at Takhli. Love to hear from anyone. SMSgt at that time.
Charles Robert (BOB) Arnold
In January of 1973 I arrived at Takhli TDY with the 474th MMS. I worked in the Weapons Release Shop maintaining the BRU’s and other bomb racks and related equipment. We also took care of the acft weapons release systems. In June I returned to Nellis and a set of orders sending me back PCS in Aug. I had a feeling that was going to happen. Some of you may remember at that time you had a choice of converting to PCS with the TDY time counting for the tour or go home and take your chances. At least I got to Nellis before I got my return orders. My buddy in the gun shop got his before he and I left to go back, but it was too late for him to convert his time. So we came back in August for another year.
Bob Penry related the story about the Aardvark crashing on takeoff. I was in the debriefing shack the night the plane crashed. We got a great view from the top of the debrief shack. We saw the crew get out and a fire truck pull up too close to the plane as another bomb cooked off. There was no apparent damage to the truck, but they got the hell out of there real quick. We watched for a couple of more minutes until the sound of the shrapnel started to get louder then we figured we had better get off the roof. I remember that they gathered the remains and put them into a revetment. The only recognizable parts were the MAU-12 bomb racks.
The typhoon that hit that year was memorable for me and my hootch mates. A big tree that was next to it was uprooted and crashed on top of the hootch. I was in the other end with another guy, who had made a kind of room with a curtain across the aisle, when it hit. It almost knocked us off our feet. We looked out to see what happened and saw this big tree sticking through the roof right above someone’s bed. Fortunately everyone else was at work (we were on nights) and no one was hurt.
Another memory. The day of the cease fire in ’74. There was a big party in one of the hangars on the flightline. When it was over one of our supervisors got a bunch of us together and marched us to the NCO club. We were all feeling pretty good. The M.A. would not let us in because we were too rowdy. Someone mentioned the fact that if he did not let us in, we would take the place apart board by board. He wisely let us go onto the patio.
I recognize the names Rob Morrone and Robert Manley. I believe you guys were in the same load shop as me. I’m also looking for Dick Karge. He was at Takhli at the same time. I lost his address. Last known base Williams AFB, AZ in the 80’s. I will be adding more later.
Oh to end with, if you were unlucky enough to be around the stag bar at the NCO club after work your ears would ring with the greeting… AMMO! and the reply… SUCKS!
Here are the dates that I was in Thailand:
April 1970-April 1971 - Korat 388th MMS Weapons Mechanic, Release Shop
March-August 1972 - TDY to Ubon from Seymour-Johnson, MER-TER shop
January 1973-July 1973 - TDY to Takhli from Nellis, 474th MMS, Weapons
Mechanic, Release Shop
August 1973-August 1974 - PCS to Takhli/Korat, 6280th MMS/347 MMS, Weapons
Load Crew Chief. This date includes the shutdown of Takhli
Dave Bassett
MSGT, USAF, Retired
Currently working for Medtronic Minimed, Inc., Supervisor, Product Engineering Design
1Lt., 1980 Comm. Sq., 11 Jan - 10 Nov 1970, Crew Chief - Mobile Radar Approach Control
I was a crew chief in the Mobile RAPCON until they moved out the F-105s in preparation for closing the base. I remember the "one baht buses" and trips to Winnies, etc. Also the "Klong" C-130s to Bangkok and "TWA" (C-147s) to ChaingMai. We used to hang out with the crew on the Chao Phya River up near Chainat (about 15 KMs North). We would rent a one-lung, steam powered boat for the day for about $7 and cruise up and down the river in rubber inner tubes pulled behind the boat (with plenty of rum and coke to keep our spirits high). We used to go down river to the Dam for diving and running the rapids below the Dam with the local fishermen.
Work was pretty routine, interspersed with moments of sheer panic when A/C returned low on fuel or damaged, etc. I remember one time when the King of Thailand flew through and stopped at Takhli on his way North to his summer palace. The Thais forgot to tell us that the base would be closed upon his arrival. I had to divert several 105s to Korat because I couldn't get anyone at Ops to make a decision on whether to let them land. I was the bad guy until they played back the ATC tapes and my decision was borne out by the recorded conversations and events that transpired.
Interested in hearing from anyone who was in ATC at Takhli.
Frank (Bud) Blum
I was with the 474th MMS that got to Takhli in Oct72 and I left for another assignment in Jan 73. I was a 46270 SSGT.
I helped to get the first F-111's off the same day we got there. Thanks for the site and pics.
Ron Buzbee
Greetings to all fellow Takhli veterans. It's an honor to be part of this group. I was stationed at Takhli between June and December 1970 as part of the 355th SPS, working Cobra Flight and Law Enforcement. I was then re-assigned to the 635 SPS at U-Tapao where I stayed for two years when the 355th deactivated. Although my stay at Takhli was only 7 months it was a memorable time.
First week in the boonies with Cobra Flight I was ejected 5 yards into the air by the spring loaded hatch cover on our APC. Was told not to sit on it but, it looked like a comfortable place at the time? Lucky I'm not speaking in a high voice to this day.
Second month, doing tower duty (banned from APC's) watching water buffalo all night long through my starlight-starbright scope, when bitten on the neck by a centipede at least 10 inches long. After recovery transferred to law enforcement...a gift from God!
First night on patrol received a radio call that the Base Commander's trailer had been broken into. I believe it was Colonel Anderson. Arrived on the scene and the Colonel didn't know if anything was missing. That was good as I didn't have a clue as to what I was doing. You know SPS in those days. One day a grunt in a tower and the next playing Columbo. Everything was OJT.
Also, many good memories working town patrol and picking some of you up from the floor of the Starlight Bar and chasing you out of the forbidden "lumber yard."
Lived in the old Japanese army hootches which was an experience and, one of the last duties I had before transfer to U-Tapao was guarding empty hootches at night in that area. Very eery and very sad that almost everyone was disappearing from the base when the 355th deactivated. A lot of ghosts, then and now, but very fond memories. All the best my brothers.
Peter Cabrey
I went into Takhli in early 1965 and 1966 with the KC135s from Columbus AFB. One year at Korat 1968-1969.
Worked on the wild Weasels as C/C flt/chief and line chief.
Walter L. Cook M/SGT retired.
I was at TDY at Takhli, Apr 72-Oct72, from Holloman. I was a 43151C, worked as a crew chief and in phase.
I'll never forget the cobra that lived in the bush by the sidewalk, or the king cobra that Raul Quesada killed in front of the NCO club, or Sam the "f**k you" lizard that lived in the stump in front of our hooch, trading rice bugs for pineapple, the little tiny bananas we got from the tree outside, cowpaht, beer from steel cans, mekong whiskey, samlar races, Thai soldiers inspecting the baht bus carrying "grease guns", eating "meat-on-a-stick" (?), drinking 'til midnight getting up at 5am (seriously hung over) swearing never to do it again and then being on the bus by 6pm to do it all over, writing "love notes" to Jane Fonda on the bombs, cold showers, the cobra in the latrine, gheckos, combat rations for the first couple of weeks, drinking water from a canvas bag, Dave King, the monsoon, SERIOUS lightning storms, watching the trip flares go off while we watched the outdoor movies, glorious sunsets, eating water buffalo fillets with Steve Plum at the Thai BX, drinking so much Singhai that it actually started tasting like real beer, tapes and care packages from home, 3 days in Bankok, Charlie Kessler, learning what heat and humidity really were, learning to like the smell of mosquito coils, 11 cents-a-pack Marlboros, etc., etc. etc. And then there was the work. It's a good thing we were young.
Mike Cool
Modesto, CA
Just came across the Takhli site and thought I might join in. I was in the 333TFS as a crew chief on the F-105's from Feb. 69 thru June 1970. One of the birds I crewed was # 62-4259.
Loved the site and will return many times I am sure. I might add that one of the people you have listed and was a dear friend of mine, Travis Perrenot passed away this summer.
Michael "Mike" Davis
I was stationed at Takhli from July of 72 until July of 73 in the Security police unit. I was at the base with the F-111 wing ( from Nellis).
If there is anyone out there that was in the Security Police unit feel free to e mail me.
Ron Derro
Stationed Takhli 1969-70 @NS 355th TFW instrument shop. Deactivated unit Nov.70. Helped ferry aircraft back to U.S. via Hawaii.
Stationed @NS tyndall afb, fla.70-71, then to Hamilton afb,Ca. where I separated Aug,72. I then took position with Montana ANG, Great Falls,Mt. until 76. Moved family to Philadelphia,Tn. due to family health problems, where I reside today.
Dan A. Dewey
Assigned to Takhli from April 72 to Oct 72 with the 417th TFS. Deployed with the 49th TFW. Tour at Takhli was great.
PCSd to Udorn from Oct. 72 to Oct 73. I was the maintenance officer for the 417 TFS assigned to the 49th OMS.
Robert "Bob" Dobbs
In June 1965, I departed Shaw AFB on a "90-day TDY" to Takhli Royal Thai AFB (RTAFB), Thailand as the 9th TRS Staff EWO and combat crew member. Lt Col Willard Mattson was Squadron Commander and Major Robert Long was the Operations Officer. The squadron's mission was to provide electronic warfare support for the fighter-bomber and reconnaissance missions flown against SAMs, MIGs and radar controlled antiaircraft guns flown over North Vietnam in support of Operation Rolling Thunder. Capt Duplessis flew his first mission over North Vietnam on 8 August 1965.
On 1 Oct 1965, the 9th TRS aircraft and crews at Takhli were reassigned to the 41st Tactical Electronic Warfare Squadron (TEWS). Lt. Col Allen Webb was the Squadron Commander; Major Robert Long, Operations Officer; Major Jim Dawley, Staff EWO; and Col Edward Taylor, Commander of the 460th Tac Recon Wing, Takhli RTAFB, Thailand. Captain Duplessis voluntarily changed his assignment status from TDY to PCS.
In addition to duties as 41st TEWS Special Assistant for EW Operations and senior EWO instructor for the squadron I was the chief EWO of the EB-66C crew and between July 1965 and March 1966, flew 100 combat missions over North Vietnam in support of Operation Rolling Thunder. Completed 1,500 hours in various models of the E/R/W/B-66 Destroyer aircraft . 100th Combat Missoin completed March 1, 1966 with a total of 1,763 hours in the E/R/W/B-66 aircraft.
I'm also the webmaster of the B-66 Historical Website at: (See summary in sig below)
Paul Duplessis
Col USAF (Ret)
All are invited to visit the B-66 Destroyer Historical Website
The site contains over 700 names of E/R/W/B-66 crew members, photos, and numerous links to sites of interests. Visit the site often because there is always something new being added.
The site commemorates the brave men and women who flew and/or supported the EB-66 tactical electronic warfare missions over North Vietnam. This little known type of warfare was fought in an extremely hostile environment involving surface-to-air missiles (SAM), anti-aircraft artillery (AAA) and airborne intercept (AI) fighter aircraft.
Click here to visit the B-66 site:
I was an inventory clerk with the 6280th Supply Squadron as a Sgt. from 1973 to 1974. My NCOIC of Special Inventory was Howard D. Adams, SSgt, he was at Takhli from 1972 to 1974. My NCOIC of the inventory section was Ernest M. Stowers, MSgt. He was there from 1972 to 1974 also, (if i'm not mistaken about the dates). My OIC was James E. Harr Jr, Capt. My CO was Joseph L Murray, Col. Chief of Supply.
I was there for the close out of Takhli, and very interested in hearing from or about people who were there with me (1972 to 1974)
Jimmy Evans
I was stationed at Takhli Aug 69 - Aug 70. I was assigned to the 354th TFS of the 355 TFW. I crewed an F105G wild weasel named Sam Seducer. History of other names she had was Our Sweet June, Donna's Daddy's Riki Tiki Go Go 'Chine, and Night Bird. Her tail # was RM4415.
I worked the night shift at Takhli and when I first arrived I met a Tech Sgt. who took me on the side and told me how to survive. He said Kid.....1. Don't look at your food when you're eating cause if you do you wont eat. 2. Drink either bottled beer or booze straight up NO ICE NO WATER. 3. The pretty girls will give you the clap.
It was a great year. the only heartache I felt was when my bird 4415 was coming in after a late night sortie. She was a great bird shot up several times but always made it back. Her last flight ended in a fiery ball when the pilot and copilot brought her in without dropping her landing gear, after realizing this the pilot tried to regain airspeed and altitude, popped it into AB and drove her tail into the ground. Luckily both the pilot and backseat driver got out, that's all that really mattered.
Fond memories of the water festival, the long hot days the longer nights on the flightline during the monsoons. the long period when we were working 13 on 1 off 12hr shifts. the camaraderie, R&R at Pattaya Beach. The one thing that I still remember is when I first arrived at Bangkok the Door of the aircraft opened and you were hit with the heat something you never felt before, but more so was the smell. The stink the smell of decay and rot but also at the same time was the smell of life, food,the orient sweet Aroma that is what I remember most that is what I miss most.
Gregory Ferraro
Francis A Frischenmeyer
24 Sep 02
I was stationed at Takhli from Mar 1968-Mar 1969. I was in the 41st Tactical electronic warfare squadron working on B-66 acft as a phase dock mechanic. I left Takhli as an E-4 {buck sgt.}
I am currently working for Boeing in Mesa Arizona as a production manager on a mod line putting state of the art avionics gear in the USAF ageing T-38 fleet.
Francis A Frischenmeyer Jr
I was Director of Professional Services from Aug 1966 to Mar 67 and then Commander 355th TAC Dispensary from Mar 67 to Aug 67. I flew missions with the 6460th in the EB-66B and with a number of Young Tiger Crews in the KC-135.
Interesting year that I am glad I do not have to repeat.
Served with 4101 AREFS Oct-Nov 1972. I was an Instrument systems Specialist A1C at the time on KC-135s.
Loved Thailand, wish I could visit again. (Wish I was 18 again, too!) I also served at Korat and U-Tapao in the months prior to arriving at Takhli, all with tankers. Can hardly believe it's been 30 years! Seems just like yesterday.
SMSgt Barry S. Grant, Ret
Takhli AFB from Sept '65 to Sept '66. This was the year we lost of a lot of our 105 pilots, some where able to return home, a lot were not.
I render a hand salute to all who sevred there on the eve of this 2002 Memorial Day.
God bless the USA!!!!
Euell Griggs
I was in the 1980th Comm Squadron from Oct 1967 - Oct 1968 at the Base Comm center. I remember the burn detail and watching the Thuds take off in the early morning hours. Worked 12 hour shifts from 7am to 7pm. Sometimes double shifts 24 on and 12 off. I remember the 5 bhat bus into downtown. I have some slides of the barracks with the Yosemite Sam picture on the door. Used to hang around with a couple of guys by the name of Daniel Christian and Clifford Kuhn who were TTY operators like myself. Still have stayed in touch with them.
Wayne Guidry
Tulsa, OK
I spent 63 of the best months of my life in the "Land of Smiles." Was at Takhli in 1972 with Howie Pierson when we converted the 43rd RTAF sq. from F-86s to A-37Bs. After that, served as the USAF advisor to Wing 1V for a year. Then to Phnom Penh for 6 mos and to 9AF Stan/Eval at Shaw after that. Earlier ('66-67) was an F-4 pilot in the Triple Nickle, then at Ubon. '67 to '68 in the Air Commandos at NKP and UDN. later I was the advisor at Wing V, Prachuap Khiri Khan.
Would appreciate any help on finding info the RTAF and on Wg V at Prachuap in particular? Thanks a lot.
Larry Harwood
355th FMS Aero Repair
Came from 62 FIS K.I. Sawyer AFB Michigan to Yokota AFB Japan in PROJECT "LIME LIGHT". At Yokota from Jan. 66 to July
Steve Herlein
I was deployed to Takhli with the 49th Supply Squadron Fuels Branch (Holloman AFB) for Linebacker II in 1972. I am an Air Reserve Technician with 442 FW at Whiteman at present, and I live in Sedalia, MO.
John Hickman
I served at Takhli RTAFB from Aug69 to July 70. I was assigned to the 41st TEWS as a EB-66 Navigator.
Richard (Jerry) Jarvis
16811 Heritage Bay Rd, Apt J-4
Rogers, AR 72756
I was stationed in Takhli from Oct of 1968 to Oct of 1969. I was a SSgt (E-5) and was with the 333 TFS. While I was there everybody called me Jim. I was a crew chief and worked in B flight. My plane was part of the back group of planes and if I remember right my plane was first or second as we walked out of the flight shack.
Rosendo "Jim" Jimenez
I did TDY duty at Takhli AB in late '64 & early 65 with an F-100 squadron from Cannon AFB, New Mexico. These missions were also over Laos.
Takhli then was only Japanese barracks and small buildings. The swimming pool was begun at that time also. I have good memories of my 3 months there......but I noticed there is nothing regarding that time period, pics, info, etc.
It's been awhile, but without looking back through old orders, I believe I was attached to the 523rd TFS, commanded by then LC Benjamin H. Clayton, one fine CO. Good site, hope to visit it again.
PS Jones
I served in Takhli RTAFB with the USAF 366 TFW in May-July 1972. We picked up stakes in DaNang and moved the entire wing to Takhli. When we arrived we were soon joined by my former buddies from the 49th TFW from Holloman AFB, New Mexico. I had been stationed with them just prior to heading for 'Nam.
I was an E-5 in the Supply Squadron. Mostly I dealt with making sure we had the needed equipment we used for the F-4s. Or else, I was busy finding a legitimate home at some other AFB for excess equipment. As I recall it involved a lot of trading and working with an early computer, the Univac 1050-2. It was an interesting time.
The first couple days following our arrival, a couple guys lost their lives after being bitten by a "green viper" snake walking from the tents to the latrine on wooden pallet sidewalks. Later they moved us into old barracks. Before that happened, I had moved into town. I remember how quickly it had grown from just a couple buildings to dozens in what seemed like only days.
Lots of interesting memories. I would love to hear from my old buddies in either the 366th or the 49th TFWs.
Gene Kathol
Omaha NE
T/Sgt William H. King, Takhli Feb 67- Feb 68 354TFS. Flt.Chief 3rd shift along with S/Sgt Vernon Bump assistant Flt/Chief F 105s The hardest part about being in Thailand was the day I had to leave. So many " MEMORIES." There were so many things to do and so little time..the memories of that year are as fresh in my mind today as if it were yesterday. Working hard to finish up repairs ,the preflts, helping the weapons teams load bombs and watching them thunder off into the morning light. The hard part was the missing A/C when we came back on duty that night.
The many Thai friends that I came to know, Mr Klean as he liked to be called that was a supervisor at the NCO annex -- the visits to his home up country, and the day Sgt Hudsons R/C model a/c crashed through the roof and every one was sure we had been fired on. Over the years I have kept in touch with M/Sgt John Dewan, our night chief. Sgt Vernon Bump, e- mail Paul Roake but the address is not valid and came back. Could go on for ever but not today. The hardest part about being there was having to leave.
Found the page while surfing, glad I did. May get a chance to return in Jan.2003, My Exchange student will graduate from Bangkok UNI. at that time...
Bill King
13515 S.1609 Rd.
Stockton,MO. 65785
My name is Jim Koczara and I was at Takhli from July 67 thru June 68. I was in the 355th Supply Squadron and I worked at the New Tool Issue Center. Ssgt Henry Kimmons was the NCOIC. Our building was right next door to the Personal Issue Center. That is where personnel got their sunglasses, watches, etc from. I really enjoyed my stay there.
I was playing cards with three other airmen the day the B-66 crashed on the runway...I could see the fire and explosion down the hall and thru the exit door at the barracks I was in. Some of my best friends included Steve Stay (The Bear) from Minnesota, Roger Steinberger (Berger) from Mesa Arizona, John Swinger from Chicago, Jimmy Ivey from Millegeville Georgiaand Robert Higbee, also from Georgia and numerous others whose names escape me at this time. Memories. Puk, the beautiful assistant librarian at the base library,Eating Chateau Briand at Charns. The nickel slot machine at the airman's club. Raquel Welch at the Bob Hope Show, going to Bangkok on numerous weekends for debauchery and excess. The Thai Heaven Bar in Bangkok (What a bar!)
What was the name of the restaurant/bar in Bangkok that one would go to after hours for a pik of the chiks who after the bars closed went there for late night sales? The first day in Bangkok and the humid air hits you like a wall! The day the F-111's came in and it was like a holiday on the base...picnics, parades and the whole 9 yards. The jokes about the F-111's after the first month about painting them in ground equipment, since they were grounded so often. The Reclining Buddah in Bangkok! Nancy, a "girlfriend" of mine at the American Bar in Takhli.
A lot of memories. Hey, I have some pictures and no way of getting them on this site...what can I do?
Jim Koczara
Farmington, MI
Editor's Note: To provide pictures for the website you may scan
and send the image files to either Bangkok
Bob or Dick Williams - please include
caption info and it's best to email us first with a preliminary single
attachment to make sure we're ready to receive and coordinate the transfer.
Mike Lee (SSgt)
Dallas, TX
I was stationed at Takhli AB from October 1968 to October 1969. I worked in the FMS Electric Shop as an Aircraft Electrician. I was assigned to work on the F105's. A lot of the time I was there I worked the 11:00 P.M. to 7:00 A.M. shift.
It's great to hopefully get in touch with some of the guys I worked with and shared a year of my life with. I have fond memories of both the easy times and hard times at Takhli. After my year at Takhli I was stationed at Shaw AFB until I ended my hitch.
Hector L. Loredo
My Thailand experience began with a 90 day TDY at U Tapao RTAFB with the B-52s. I was there Jun-Aug 68. I arrived home on Labor Day 68 with no notification of a pending assignment. On 6 Oct 68 I arrived in BKK enroute to Takhli RTAFB.<>p> At Takhli, in spite of my B-52 background, I was assigned to the ECM Pod Shop. The F-105 remaines one of my favorite aircraft even today. I worked the flight line and also did a lot of debriefing during the latter part of my tour.
My tour was from Oct 68 till Jul 69. In Aug 70 I returned for a second tour. I was again assigned to the Pod Shop. After the wing was deactivated in Oct 70, I was transferred to Korat to finish my tour. At Korat I was assigned to the Pod Shop. We supplied ECM Pods for both the F-105F/Gs and the F-4s. I was there until Aug 71.
This site and others have brought back lots of good memories. Thank you for your efforts in making all this available to us.
Steve Lott
Note - Steves Photo Gallery is online some great shots of the end of the Thud Era at Takhli - a 12 ship flyby.
Jan.69-Jan.70..355MMS/Weapons Release Systems..Pylon Shop.
Reading the many bios of the ones who served their tour with what is considered the greatest Wing of all..The 355TFW..and the best aircraft known..The F-105 Thunderchief..It has been many years since those hot and ricebug days..Lots of memories(good or bad ) are starting to rekindle once again..Worked with a great bunch of guys and will never forget them..
Wilson (Rick) McGonigal
Joined in March '65, Basic at Lackland, then to Chanute for Ground Power training. WWII barracks offered no heat in the cold Spring, so we bet 'horse blankets' in the boiler room while playing poker at night. Couldn't make the cut because of partial color blindness so was offered anything the USAF had (or out) and chose a new field...computers.
After 8 months of training at Sheppard AFB, I shipped to TAC @NS Cannon AFB. Two years later I shipped to Takhli RTAFB with the 355thTFW. Worked in data processing (nice a/c building) and got involved with a business downtown. Travelled some during time off (Chang Mai, ect.) on motorcycle and moved downtown. Stood parade when the F111's came in, shared the grief when pilot friends did not return and missed home (although the Thai people made a lasting impression on me). Shipped to Offutt (SAC Hdqtrs) where they asked me to stay out of view for 3 months. Discharged October '68.
My father worked aircraft at McClellan AFB for 22 years and missiles @NS Vandenberg AFB for another 11 years. Retired as a GS17, WL15. I wish I could share some of the Takhli website stories with him. He would have been a big help from a mechanical perspective, he knew jet aircraft like no one else I knew.
Michael (Mik) Maguire
Takhli '67-'68 (Sgt), #68550,
Oakland, CA
Hi guys my name is Don McQueen. I was a S/Sgt at Takhli from Jan 67 to Jan 68.
I was your friendly pharmacist who took care of your "war wounds" during this god awful assignment. And yes I miss the fellow GI's but not Takhli. Do I miss the Starlite bar? Well lets say I have some fond memories of the poo ying who used to hang out there.
I remember a Dr. Bomel who asked me what I thought of the girls. I said " God Doc how can you even suggest that anyone could even be friendly much less"...... Anyhow you know what I mean ! But the most amazing thing happened after about four months damn if I didnt" fall in love" with about every "yang" in the bar. Incredable how time and a few Sing Hi"s can change a mans perspective of the lovely features of the local female populace !Any how for the "old doc" it was a hell of a war and a much remembered experience.
God Bless each and every one of you who served. I will never forget you.
Don McQueen
I was stationed TDY in Takhli with 49th TFW from Holloman AFB, New Mexico. I was a F4 Phantom crew chief. I served in Takhli from May 72 - Aug 72.
Would like to hear from anyone might remember being there with me at that time. I was known as "MAC". I have vivid memories of the heat, humidity, snakes, and the lizards. I loved the strawberry sodas you could get from the flight line snack shack.
SSGT James E. McVey
219 Meadowood Dr.
Burlington NC 27215
I was assigned to the Det 2 ,601st Photo Squadron from April 1969 to April 1970.I as assigned as a Photo Tech/Photographer.
I received the website address from Jack Gurner. We were assigned at Takhli during the same time. I notice John Evan, and David Snow. John Evan and I first met in the Philippines and again at Takhli.
Thanks Guys this is Great!
Tom Mathis
Rancho Cordova CA password ebiz
I was stationed at TAKHLI, RTAFB from july '66 to oct '66. we were telephone heavy gang linemen/cable splicers, TDY with 2870th GEEIA out of HILL AFB, utah. we just came from camp o'donnell, PI.
Great memories. we lived off base in a little town by the river. i think it was channault(sp)? lived in small (only) hotel. ate lots of thai food. drank lots of whisky. local people were wonderful to us. great site,please add me to roster.
Thomas F.Meehan USAF
'64-'68 all with GEEIA always TDY.
Feel free to use these photos on your site and should any of the individuals in the photos care to contact me, I may be reached at
Two photos are attached and viewable by clicking on the links below.
Stephen P. Mock, MSgt, USAF(ret)
- Pedro crew -Sgt Thomas and Sgt Mock - 1968
- Starlite Bar Takhli - 1968 Mock, Capt Shy, Jim Perida and other.
I was at Takhli from Nov 65 thru Oct of 66, (came with the 33rd TFS of 105's from Seymour Johnson AFB, NC and was transferred to the 355th FMS a couple months later). I was with the 355 FMS, AGE (Ground Power) minor maintenance and flightline delivery section. We made sure that all the equipment for maintenance and all lunches was delivered out to the line and outlying shops. I worked the midnight shift the entire tour. Our shack was located down between the big hanger and the pumping station and latrine.
Funny how after finding pictures from Takhli, you start to remember the times and people. Times feel good, actually a bit uplifting: the people, well I wonder how many are still around. I was 20 and many were a bit older. that would put them up into their 60's-70's now.
Those were days or should I say nights that at the time really meant something, you know you were doing something that showed results then.
John Morris
We came to takhli with the 357th in 65 from korat then from kadena and then from McConnell. I was with transportation sq. Dispatch & heavy equipment. shipped back to Amarillo in june 66.
Looking for TSGT Magee.
Donald Old
I was TDY to Takhli from Yokota AB, Japan from July 64 thru Oct 64. I was Aircraft Commander of a KB-50J tanker. We were refueling F-100 aircraft. Our aircraft were old and in poor condition.
We were grounded after one of the KB-50's crashed into a Thai village near Takhli.
Gary Parker
421st AREFS (63-65)
We had about five F100s there TDY from Cannon while I was there in 62/63. Most of us were all TDY then. I was in the mobile tower when the Aussies from (I believe from Ubon) in their F86s (hot with the Rolls Royce engines) came over in a mock attack and strafed the hell out of the base. Supposedly the Cannon jocks in the F100s went over there with toilet paper stuffed in their speed brakes and Teepeed the hell out of the Aussie base at Ubon.
It was a relatively quiet time then, well before the Viet Nam buildup and any action that took place in later years out of Takhli. We toughed it out back in the boonies of the base in the old WW2 barracks built by the Japanese when the occupied Thailand.
Norm Pelkey
Jonesboro, AR
Stationed at Takhli RTAFB from Oct 1966 through May 1967. EB66-C pilot assigned to the 41st TEWS.
I have enjoyed reading your roster. It brought back some nice memories and unfortunately some sad ones. Thank you and the many who take the time and interest to put together a list such as this. I am sure it is appreciated by many.
Capt. Takhli 354 TFS May '67-Feb-68. Finished 100 msns Nov '67. Got credit for downed span on 11 Aug Doumer strike.
Retired as LtCol 1 jan 82. Now flying C-337 (0-2) on IR/TV surveillance mission over Kosovo
John Piowaty
351 Jonquil Avenue
Ft. Walton Beach FL 32548
Ed. Note: more infomation on the Doumer Bridge mission of 11 Aug 67.
I'm Steve "Pete" Peterson and I was stationed at Takhli RTAFB from Jun69 to Jun70.
I was a Med. Tech. assigned to the 355 USAF Disp. and I worked in the
ER. I knew Steve Wilson and I have a copy of one of the
photos that he has included in the gallery. I got out of active
duty in 1970 and enter AFRES in 1978, I retired in 1994 as a MSGT.
I would
like to renew some old friendships.
Steve "Pete" Peterson
Stationed there TDY with 417TFS, 49TFW May-Aug 72. Capt. F4 pilot. Retired as Lt. Col. with 23 years on 30 Sept 88. Currently working for Northrop Grumman as a government contractor at Ft. Leavenworth, KS.
Tom Rourke
I was a brand new 1Lt KC-135 pilot at Takhli, with the 4101st refueling group. I flew 103 missions from June 72 through Feb 73... completely ruined me for flying back in the real world, but I managed to put in 20 years anyway.
Rice bugs, geckos, and walking catfish! The F-4 bar downtown...a lot of memories.
John Scott, Capt.USAF (Ret)
I was stationed at Takhli RTAFB from January through August 1967, flying the F-105D. I completed 100 missions over North Vietnam on August 10, 1967.
Subsequently served at PACAF Headquarters (Fighter Operations), Air War College, the Joint Chiefs of Staff (Southeast Asia Division, J-3), and the Air Staff (Director of Foreign Military Training). I retired from the Air Force in November 1979.
Paul Seymour, Col. USAF (retired)
I was at Takhli from Nov 72 to may 73, TDY from SAC 97th Avionics Maint SQN in Blytheville AFB Arkansas under operation "Bullet Shot" working on KC 135's radio systems (radio repair).
I had begun to believe Takhli did not exist anymore since I could not find it on any maps . I remember the geico's running around inside the two story barracks and the great food. My oddest experience was walking to the fliteline one morning across a field with Thai soldiers lying around the field, practicing shooting at a little wooden airplane on a ten foot pole, that another solder was carrying as he ran around in the middle of the field. No bullets or JP 4 wasted I guess.
From Butter Bean Holler (deep within Douglas Alabama), God Bless the USA and each of you.
Great to see the websites. Sawadee
John Shell
I was stationed in Takhli two times--I was TDY in 1965 with the 561st TFS and PCS October 1966 thru October 1967.
I was the crew cheif for Wild Weisel Aircraft 8341. My air crew was Major Dethlefsen and Captain Mike Gilroy. They were then replaced with air crew Tom Madison and Tom Sterling. They were shot down in April 1967, and spend the rest of their time as POW until 1975.
Harold Siebel
Columbus WI
I was at Takhli from Feb 69-Feb 70. I was assigned to the 355CSG, worked in the CBPO, my last job there was IN/OUT Processing. Was in that section from Jul 69-Feb 70, Anyone coming to Takhli from Jul69-Feb70 would have seen my smiling face. I was an A1C while in that section.
One of my other duties was to meet the plane when new people arrived. Other then the time I was called out early one morning to meet the plane, and it had around 5 persons from in country it was a fairly routine job. Is anyone out there that may have been on that plane. If I remember correctly none of us were happy. Me for being called out, those guys having to wait for me when there was no need.
My immediate supervisor at the time was Tsgt Melvin D. Curtiss. Anyone out there who may have worked in the CBPO during the time I did drop me a line.
Jim Simon
I was a US Navy Seabee (UTP3) attached to Mobile Construction Battalion #9 out of Port Hueneme, Calif. in the early 1960's.
The Seabees started to form what was called STAT Teams in 1962. While with NMCB#9 I was selected to become a member of MCB-9 STAT TEAM 0901. The team was made up of 13 team members (one officer and twelve enlisted men) with different construction ratings. All team members were cross-trained in other specialties and I was also sent to 2nd class Navy Diving School.
After team training was completed the team joined up with the main battalion on Okinawa and was immediately detached and went TAD to the Air Force out of their Kadena Air Base. We had our military ID cards and dogtags taken away from us and were issued passports for the duration of our TAD tour with the Air Force. Basically we were classified as civilians. We were then sent to what was then a HUSH-HUSH communications center and ammunition storage facility that was located next to a very small US Air Force contingent at the RTAF base at Takhli, Thailand. This place was called a "Task Force" site by the Air Force and all personnel were assigned on a designated rotational basis including out team.
We were based inside a 29 acre fenced in compound that was comprised of the COM center, a special hangar which on occasion was used to hide the U2 (Bluebird) spyplane. There was another civilian ( possibly CIA?? ) that was in charge of a parachute loft that was in the compound and he also participated in the training (read that operations ) of a platoon of Thai Paratroopers/Rangers. One of our jobs was to build a parachute drying tower outside of the loft building. The main hangar inside the compound was basically used for the storage of necessary base supplies. Canned goods, medical supplies, and general supplies used for the maintenance/repair of the barracks, COM center, mess hall, etc. (This Task Force site had a civilian catered mess hall and the food was tremendous. Ice cream anytime we wanted it, steaks, real eggs, milk, etc. -OUTSTANDING !!)
Our other duties consisted of vehicle maintenance, fresh water supply/purification, barracks window air conditioning servicing, mess hall refrigeration unit maintenance, etc. (NOTE: everyone in the barracks had AC EXCEPT the Seabees) Most of the rooms in the barracks were used by CAT Air Lines pilots (read that as AIR AMERICA) that had a service counter at Don Muang Airport in Bangkok. They used the facilities when they were on layover between rice and ammunition drops in Laos and Cambodia. Facility was also used by the occasional U2 pilot between missions. Of course our biggest area of responsibility was to insure that electrical power was NEVER down for more than 5 minutes. Base power was supplied by the nearest US Army Base. (have no idea what the Army base was called or where it actually was located). Supply was basically pretty reliable. When we did lose power it was usually in the early morning hours. We had two diesel fueled standby generators that would automatically come on line in the event of a power failure. It was a pretty reliable setup but every once in awhile they decided not to co-operate and then things got pretty hectic to say the least!!
We used to get a 96 hour R&R every two months so we wouldn't go stir crazy. Usually went to Bangkok and stayed at the American Embassy house. (remember we were civilians) Have fond memories of 'Dinos' and Colonel Bogey's 'Nippa Hut'. Also got to go to Okinawa on R&R where we were billeted in a special quonset hut at Kadena Air base. Many great memories!! Don't have any photos of my Takhli duty as NO cameras were allowed at this site during the early build up phase at this facility. (remember we weren't supposed to be there ) Could hardly believe my eyes when I saw the numerous photos on your Takhli websites.
Our team got rotated back to the states after an approx. 6 month TAD tour at Tahkli. We went through additional training and then were sent back to Thailand for a second tour of duty about 15 cliks outside of 'Ubon" in a little village called 'Huay Ka Yung' (most likely mis-spelled) where we spent another 6 month tour.
Again, MANY, MANY, great memories of a time long gone but never forgotten. I salute all military personnel that had duty tours at the Tahkli RTAF base. " Rest in peace to all those who didn't make it back!! "
To Dick and Bob: Keep up the great work on your websites. Trips down nostalgia lane are greatly appreciated by all who view the sites.
Roger Swan
East Tawakoni, TX
Roger has forwarded a great sketch and key to the 1963 Comms and Ammo compound.
Robert Williamson
6 Jan 02
Saw your WEB page, and it took me back a little. I was just a very young youngster in 1967. I was stationed at Yokota at the time. I was in the 8th TFW, as I recall. We were the first outfit of 105's to set foot in the place. We were all TDY from Japan.
I have some pretty old pictures of Takhli. I mean, when I was there, there were only two bars in the village; Tom's bar, and the American bar. Tom's bar was ran by an old Navy retired type, married to a Thai gal. The pool on the base had just been built, and nobody could swim in it because the sign in front of the pool said; "Off limits. Danger, Klong water" (whatever klong water was). I lived in that old two story barracks just behind the pool. At that time, that's about all there was. I don't remember any other barracks.
Anyway, thanks for the page. If you're interested, I can show you some recall old pictures of Takhli.
Robert Williamson
William (Bill) Wilkinson, Takhli Mar 68- Mar 69, TSgt assigned to 355 AEMS/41 TEWS, shift supervisor of EB-66 ECM Flightline Maintenance. Flew the majority of ECM test flights and some regular FCF's on the EB-66 and was Flight Engineer on the first flight after the loss in 69. Also did system testing design on the steerable antenna system for the C model and several mods for the receiving gear. Accompanied the EB-66 from Takhli to Spangdahlem Germany in 69.
Again met many vets of Takhli as I was Flight Test manager for Eaton Corp ( EW suite) on the B1 bomber program and most of our analysts were old 66 EWO's.
Bill Wilkinson
I am Joseph F. Willis, stationed at Takhli, in 1966-1967. 354 TFS crew chief F-105's. Crewed 0266 one of the last ones that was still silver. Crewed 0338 for Col Jack Broghton. Lanuched many a good pilot in the Thunderchief. Noticed not too many vets from the 354th. Remenber MSgt Bulldog Jones First Sgt. Launched Col P. Gast many a time, Maj Kessler, Maj Frey etc.
Returned to the land of the King Cobra with the 308 TFS from Homestead Fla in 1972 with F4s around the time Capt Ritchie got 3&4 Mig kill. Lot of good men gave outstanding services to this Great Country of the USA, looks like they will be called again, hope they outside the military will let us won this one ( lest we forget SEPT 11, 2001)
Thank for the time and the website. Great times. Looking for old buddies.
Joseph F. Willis,
You are now on Bios 2002
Flight of four F-105s over Takhli RTAFB druing 1969 Red River reunion - photo courtesy Bob George
29 Jan 03